Strive Mexico: Roads to resilience for MSEs

Our programs

Supporting 400,000 small businesses and women micro-entrepreneurs by strengthening the country’s entrepreneurship support ecosystem.

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Why this program?

  • In Mexico, micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) play an important role in the economy, accounting for 97% of all businesses and employing 32% of the workforce. 
  • One in every three businesses in Mexico is owned or operated by a woman, and they are overrepresented among smaller microenterprises while also being the least digitalized.
  • Women entrepreneurs are less resilient and have experienced a higher proportion of closures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Strive Mexico aims to support them through mentorship programs and to strengthen the digital ecosystem that serves them.
  • MSEs can play a significant role in Mexico’s recovery from the pandemic and future economic growth. But they face numerous economic challenges and need resilience to withstand and adapt to external shocks. 
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Program overview

This program aims to reach 400,000 small businesses and female micro-entrepreneurs in Mexico over the next three years with the right digital tools and resources by: 

  • Accelerating organizations that directly serve MSEs to offer more targeted tools and resources that meet the diverse needs and motivations of Mexico's MSEs in digitalizing their operations, and accessing digital tools and services that promote their resilience.
  • In collaboration with Fundación Capital, empowering female entrepreneurs with access to the training, capital, business networks, and financial tools needed to grow their businesses, thrive, and be resilient in a changing world.
  • Measuring, testing, and generating evidence of the role of digitalization and its potential to improve MSEs’ growth and resilience, and demonstrate the business case for MSE resilience.
  • Engaging ecosystem actors— fintech companies, funders, NGOs, policymakers, and other players directly serving MSEs—to connect and coordinate strategic efforts supporting MSEs in Mexico to help MSEs advance on the road to resilience.

About Fundación Capital

Fundación Capital is a social enterprise that for 10 years has been working to improve the economic and financial lives of people living in social vulnerability around the world.

Through alliances with governments and actors in the private sector, Fundación Capital develops solutions based on digital technologies that allow users to train in their own time and space, make better use of their economic opportunities, generate sustainable livelihoods, improve their financial practices, and make more informed decisions.

About BFA Global

BFA Global is a consulting firm that applies financial and digital innovation, venture building, and investment expertise to improve the resilience and well-being of underserved people. BFA Global relies on rigorous insights from field research, a deep network of partners, and practical implementation experience across emerging markets.

While many micro and small business owners are digitally savvy and use digital devices and social networks as part of their everyday lives, it does not necessarily translate at the business level. Digital transformation is not simply a matter of access to technology, but a gradual process that encompasses a variety of ingredients, such as information, trust and capacity-building. Through Strive Mexico, Fundación Capital will help support micro- and small businesses on their digital journey with tools, mentoring and peer support to enable them to thrive and become productive and resilient protagonists of Mexico’s economy.

Juan Navarrete

Vice President of Partnership Development for Fundación Capital

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Implementation partners
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